Pennsylvania History Harvest

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Amos Alonzo Stagg Jr. Jacket

A football jacket belonging to Amos Alonzo Stagg Jr, whom Susquehanna's football field is named after.
The jacket originates from 1951, an undefeated…

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Washington Camp Membership Ribbon

Decorative ribbon with metal tassels, portrait of George Washington, and red, white, and blue stripes. The front reads: Washington Camp, No. 712…

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Dog Tags

Alumninum dog tags worn by Bryan Graybill during his service in World War I. Graybill entered into the military on April 30, 1918 and served in…


Pennsylvania Millers' State Association

A photograph of the men of the State Millers' Association on the steps of Hotel Shikellimy in 1893.

The agriculture industry was hit hard by…

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Hand drawn Gettysburg map

By "Union Soldier," who works part time from Knoebels. Has a section pertaining to family history, with a hand drawn signature. Also another map with…

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Diehl Barn

The original large Diehl barn & farmhouse.

532 items
16 collections
11 exhibits